
Friday 27 February 2015

MNREGA 'monument to failure of Congress govts.': Modi

    "My political acumen has told me to keep it alive as a monument to your failures since Independence. After 60 years, you are still making people dig holes.’’

     Striking a note that was part combative and part conciliatory, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday sought Opposition support in removing the infirmities in the land acquisition law, while warning that no one with black money would be spared and describing MNREGA as a ``monument to the failures’’ of successive Congress Governments.

      Replying to the discussion on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s Address, Mr. Modi held forth for over an hour trying to portray his government as pro-poor and pro-farmer. That he has set his eyes on amending the land acquisition law was clear from the fervent appeal for the Opposition’s help in this enterprise; adding for good measure that he would publicly credit the Congress for this piece of legislation. ``This will remain your law.’’

     Before holding out the olive branch, Mr. Modi took a swipe at the Congress; pointing out that farmers had rejected the party even after it rushed through with the passage of the land acquisition law. ``You should not be so arrogant and think that you have drafted a flawless law which cannot be changed. Also remember, that law was passed with our support.’’

      Articulating the problems faced by Chief Ministers and the Defence establishment in acquiring land as a result of the law, the Prime Minister said: ``We are not finding fault with it; we are only trying to improve on it. And, if you think farmers interests will be hurt, we will take on board your concerns. Carry on with your protest meetings if you want to draw political mileage from this issue but let us work together and remove the flaws.’’

      Earlier, addressing concerns expressed by some Opposition members on the Government diluting MNREGA and starving it of funds, the Prime Minister said: ``I will keep MNREGA alive. I may not have experience, but all of you will grant me political skills and that acumen has told me to keep it alive as a monument to your failures since Independence. After 60 years, you are still making people dig holes.’’

       On the Congress criticism of the Government only repackaging its policies, the Prime Minister’s counter was that it shows ``we are all on the same path’’. As for the renaming of some of the programmes, he said what is of importance are the issues that need to be addressed; not how they are named.

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